Superpowers for your SecOps team

Gain visibility and enforce policy across your organization’s extended network perimeter with a powerful security dashboard.

Policy enforcement

Imagine being able to extend office-grade security policies into all remote networks that your employees are connecting to. DuskRise makes this not only possible, but also simple. By eliminating policy and control gaps, your security personnel can prevent network compromise and sensitive asset exposure across all remote environments and users.

Remote network visibility

The dashboard brings remote networks to light, allowing SecOps teams to monitor the security status across remote users and devices. By acquiring visibility into lateral communications, enterprises are able to develop and continuously improve the holistic security strategy for their hybrid workforce.

Security landscape overview

When it comes to managing the risks associated with remote workers, it is important to always stay updated and make informed decisions. By tracking the dynamics of risk score fluctuations in real time, your security staff can detect patterns and act to mitigate possible losses or damages.

Curious about the DuskRise solution?

Find out how you can secure your organization’s remote network perimeter with a single network edge security platform.
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